A. Carracci Etching Italy XVI Century

Code: ARARPI0163671

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A. Carracci Etching Italy XVI Century

Code: ARARPI0163671

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A. Carracci Etching Italy XVI Century


Artist:  Annibale Carracci (1560-1609)

Artwork title:  L'adorazione dei pastori

Age:  16th Century / 1501 - 1600

Subject:  Sacred Subject

Origin:  Italy

Artistic technique:  Printing

Technical specification:  Burin (Cable Engraving)

Description : L'adorazione dei pastori

Etching. Copy of the print engraved by Hannibal and published by Nicolaus van Aelst. Of both the signature along the inner margin: from left "Annibal Caracius fecit et inve." On the right "Nico van Aelst for." The theme, recurring in Carracci's pictorial production, is proposed here by dividing the scene into two vertical sectors, using the wooden pole of the hut as a partition: on the left the adoring shepherds, on the right Mary, Joseph and some Angels, a division therefore between normal humanity and the Holy Family, although all the characters converge in the center, focusing their gaze on the Child. The print is in good condition; it is presented in a stylish frame.

Product Condition:
Product in good condition, with small signs of wear.

Frame Size (cm):
Height: 50
Width: 40
Depth: 2

Artwork dimensions (cm):
Height: 10,7
Width: 13,2

Additional Information

Artist: Annibale Carracci (1560-1609)

Born in Bologna on November 3, 1560, Annibale Carracci, in contrast to the now sterile results of late Mannerism, proposed the recovery of the great tradition of Italian painting of the sixteenth century, managing to obtain an original synthesis of the many schools of the mature Renaissance. Alongside the recovery of tradition, Il Carracci also proposed a return to the imitation of truth. With Caravaggio and Rubens, he laid the foundations for the birth of Baroque painting, of which he was one of the noble fathers. Of fundamental importance in the development of his career were the relationships with his cousin Ludovico and his brother Agostino - both very gifted painters - with whom, at the beginning, he held a common workshop and with whom he collaborated, on several occasions, even later. With his cousin Ludovico, Annibale founded the Accademia dei Desiderosi in 1582 (later called Accademia degli Incamminati), in which he learned to combine the attention to the typical design of the Florentine school with the taste for color typical of the Venetian one. The monumental cycles of frescoes created for the Bolognese villas led to the invitation of Cardinal Odoardo Farnese for the decoration of the noble floor of Palazzo Farnese in Rome. Arrived in Rome with Agostino in 1595, he created the famous frescoes depicting the loves of the gods, considered an absolute masterpiece of fresco painting of the time. As if to seal the continuity with the great masters of the Renaissance, Annibale Carracci was buried in the Pantheon alongside Raphael on his death in Rome in 1609.

Age: 16th Century / 1501 - 1600

16th Century / 1501 - 1600

Subject: Sacred Subject

Artistic technique: Printing

La stampa è un processo per la produzione di testi e immagini, tipicamente mediante l'impiego dell'inchiostro su carta e di una pressa da stampa. Spesso viene svolto come processo industriale su larga scala ed è una parte essenziale dell'editoria.

Technical specification: Burin (Cable Engraving)

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