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Antique Painting by A. Vertunni Oil on Canvas XIX Century
Antique Painting by A. Vertunni Oil on Canvas XIX Century

Landscape with Figures

Antique Painting by A. Vertunni Oil on Canvas XIX Century

Landscape with Figures

Oil painting on canvas. Signed lower left. Achille Vertunni was born and trained artistically in Naples, but then moved to Rome where, in his mature age, his studio in Via Margutta was a point of reference for many Italian and foreign critics and artists (D'Annunzio, De Sanctis , Franz Listz, to name a few) and was frequented by the nobility and politicians of the time, figures of the Risorgimento and visitors of the "Grand Tour". His first themes were inspired by historical events, but he then dedicated himself to landscape which, from the seventies, became the almost exclusive subject of his paintings. Its sunsets in the Roman countryside and in the Pontine Marshes are characteristic, sometimes animated by butteri and herds of buffalo. This painting shows two figures in traditional Lazio clothing, a couple of farmers resting near a small votive chapel along the road; on the right the coastal landscape opens up along the Tiber, at the bottom of which the profile of Rome stands out, with the Dome of St. Peter and Castel Sant'Angelo. Above all, the typically romantic atmosphere of a sunset, with its play of soft, pink lights. The painting, relined, is presented in a period frame.


