
240 € 12560 € Apply

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28 cm 122 cm

31 cm 158 cm

3 cm 7 cm

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Nikas Safronov Oil On Panel Contemporary
Nikas Safronov Oil On Panel Contemporary

Saint George 1992

Nikas Safronov Oil On Panel Contemporary

Saint George 1992

Oil on panel. Signed bottom right. On the back, with Cyrillic characters, there is the title, the date and the location, Bergamo. The Lithuanian artist, who currently lives and works between Moscow, Italy and the United Kingdom, is considered one of the most important contemporary Russian artists. In his large production there are landscapes, still lifes, many portraits of famous people and his surreal compositions, an expression of his peculiar "dream vision" of reality. Even in this table, albeit in the style of traditional icons, the depiction of the famous St. George is proposed in a surreal key that reminds of De Chirico, in which the dragon is replaced by a goose, the Saint's head is an egg, in the outlines there are figures of sorceresses... a clearly unorthodox interpretation! The panel has a vertical slit. The piece is presented in a frame.



Antique Painting Jesus Christ and the Adulteress Flemish XVI Century
Antique Painting Jesus Christ and the Adulteress Flemish XVI Century

Flemish School, XVI Century

Antique Painting Jesus Christ and the Adulteress Flemish XVI Century

Flemish School, XVI Century

Oil on wooden board. Flemish school of the 16th century. The work has a plaque at the base attributing it to Lambert Van Noort (1520 -1571), justified by the closeness to his pictorial methods which can be found in the faces of Jesus and Magdalene, but not confirmable for the other parts of the painting. The work recounts the episode from the Gospel of John in which the scribes and Pharisees brought a woman accused of adultery to Jesus, to test her observance of the law of Moses, which included stoning. But Jesus, bending down to the ground, began to write with his finger in the dust, then when urged, he pronounced the words "Let anyone among you who is without sin cast the first stone", saving the woman and subsequently forgiving her. The large stage is filled with a large and tight group of characters. Jesus in the centre, is the only figure bent on the ground, estranged from the rest of the group and fixed in his gesture of writing with one finger; standing behind him, with a precise vertical alignment of her face with that of Christ, is the accused woman, who covers her body with her cloak observing Jesus' gesture, while awaiting the sentence; all around the scribes, the Pharisees, some soldiers, who instead speak animatedly among themselves, are agitated, confronting each other, indicating what Jesus is doing. The subject was widely represented in Flemish painting, with different interpretative methods. If in this painting the Flemish school is clearly perceived in the faces with hard features and in the rather rigid bodies in the movements of the scribes and Pharisees, as well as in the representation of the building in the background and in the meticulous representation of the shoes in the right foreground, the two The figures of Jesus and the woman are instead affected by the Italian influence, which softened the features of the faces, gave the movements of the body greater composure and gracefulness, and with the help of a brighter color made them stand out among the other figures. The panel of the painting was subjected to restoration and relined in the first half of the 20th century. The painting is presented in an adapted antique frame.

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Italian landscape painting with figures
Italian landscape painting with figures

Italian landscape painting with figures

Oil on the table. The picturesque landscape has a wide path in the foreground on the right which winds between fronds and green meadows, where flocks graze; a small family of peasants passes along the path, all engaged in the transport of goods: even the girl carries a large bundle on her head, while the mother carries the basket with her newborn son in the same way! In the background, the plain extends wide to fade towards the distant hills and into the clear and rarefied sky, which gives off an almost pink light. The fir table of the painting has undergone restoration and parqueting. The work is presented in a mid-1900s frame.



Antique Painting Still Life with Prey Oil on Wooden Board 800
Antique Painting Still Life with Prey Oil on Wooden Board 800

Antique Painting Still Life with Prey Oil on Wooden Board 800

Oil on panel. Northern European school of the late 19th century. In the composition inside a shed, hunted game lies on a level; on the left the muzzle of the hunting dog appears but is turned towards a nest full of chirping birds, located above the shaft of the carriage seen on the right. The painting is presented in a period frame.



Antique Painting Flemish Landscape Oil on Hardboard XVI Century
Antique Painting Flemish Landscape Oil on Hardboard XVI Century

Antique Painting Flemish Landscape Oil on Hardboard XVI Century

Oil on walnut board. Flemish school of the 16th century. The painting presents a landscape characterized by a tall leafy plant in the centre, which vertically divides the scene into two parts, rising from the brown and dark earth in the foreground, towards the horizon of wooded blue hills, which then fade into a chromatic continuum in the sky above, interrupted by the thick foliage of the tree. The scene in the foreground is animated by various figurines of walking characters, scattered across the countryside. The chromatic choices are peculiar, the browns and blues, which together with the type of landscape and the figures refer to Flemish painting; moreover, the use of a walnut panel testifies to a Flemish artist working in Italy, where this pictorial support, unusual in Northern Europe, was used. The painting is presented in a contemporary frame.

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Antique Painting Landscape Oil on Hardboard XIX-XX Century
Antique Painting Landscape Oil on Hardboard XIX-XX Century

Antique Painting Landscape Oil on Hardboard XIX-XX Century

Oil on hardboard. Unidentifiable acronym at the bottom left. In English style, the painting presents a country landscape with a hunting dog sniffing out the scent, followed at a distance by the hunter. The painting is presented in a contemporary frame.



G. Zocchi Oil on Wooden Table Italy XX Century
G. Zocchi Oil on Wooden Table Italy XX Century

Landscape with Sheaf

G. Zocchi Oil on Wooden Table Italy XX Century

Landscape with Sheaf

Oil on the table. Signed G. Zocchi lower right. It is probably a late work by the Florentine painter Guglielmo Zocchi, best known for the lively genre scenes of Greco-Roman setting, which earned him great success especially abroad. Landscape production is rare. The painting is presented in a coeval frame with shortcomings.



Modern Painting Signed G. Gheduzzi Oil on Hardboard '900
Modern Painting Signed G. Gheduzzi Oil on Hardboard '900

Peasant Girl with Hens

Modern Painting Signed G. Gheduzzi Oil on Hardboard '900

Peasant Girl with Hens

Oil on wooden board. Signed lower right. Giuseppe Gheduzzi, an artist born in the family of artists, distinguished himself as a landscape painter but above all for his interiors with figures, stables, antique shops together with fresh orientalist themes and effective seascapes resulting from his frequent stays in Liguria. Shown here is the exterior of a farmhouse, with a female figure feeding the chickens. The painting is presented in a period frame.



Antique Painting with The Announcement Oil on Hardboard Italy 500
Antique Painting with The Announcement Oil on Hardboard Italy 500

Antique Painting with The Announcement Oil on Hardboard Italy 500

Oil on wooden board. Central Italian school of the second half of the 16th century. The sacred scene of the Annunciation sees the two protagonist figures placed in the foreground in an interior that corresponds to Mary's room. The young woman is sitting in front of a small wooden desk, supported by figures of angels, on which rests the prayer book and a vase with small flowers; at her feet, the sewing basket. Mary's body is partially turned backwards, in a twisted movement, almost as if she were trying to escape, as if she wanted to get away from the other figure, that of the Archangel Gabriel. He stands on the right, majestic and elegant, with one hand holding a lily and the other pointing upwards above him, where the white dove, symbol of the Holy Spirit, is emerging from a gap of light. In the background, tall columns with drapes surmount the platform on which Mary's bed rests. The composition refers, in the figurative style and in the chromatic choices, to the already mannerist painting of the schools of central Italy: in particular there is a strong concordance of style and composition with some works of the same subject by the painter Bastiano Vini Detto Bastiano Veronese (1525-1530 / 1602), who lived and worked in Pistoia from around 1540. It is in this city that some of his Annunciations are found: in particular the one in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie (an altarpiece measuring over two meters in height), shows clear similarities on a formal and compositional level with the one presented here . There is concordance in the setting of the sacred scene: a room, in the background of which is a curtain that partially covers a bed, furnished with the elements essential to the narrative, the lectern and the chair richly decorated with caryatids of cherubs or angels that seem to be carved in the wood. The compositional scheme corresponds, albeit with slight variations, with the two figures arranged "frieze-like" on the same laying plane, and the somatic features of the Virgin and the Archangel also correspond. However, the floor differs, which, while it is homogeneous in our table, in the Pistoia one presents itself with alternating checkerboard colors, but it seems that this design of the floor was added in a later period, on the occasion of the reconstruction of the altar in 1637 -1639, in pendant with that of another work by the same Sebastiano Vini in the same church, a Sacred Conversation. It therefore seems rather certain that our panel was painted looking at the work of Bastiano Veronese, probably at the specific request of the client, and before the change in the floor, therefore dating back to the second half of the 16th century. The painting has undergone restoration, with the application of two reinforcements to the back of the panel. It is presented in a late 19th century setting. (Reference for the Pistoia altarpiece: Catalog of cultural heritage

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Painting The Fisherman's Family
Painting The Fisherman's Family

Painting The Fisherman's Family

Oil on panel. Venetian school of the late 19th century. Signed Carlini on the lower left. Moving family scene, with the fisherman just landed embracing his family - wife, mother, children and dog! - who have come to welcome him, while his colleagues unload the catch and arrange the nets. The colors are intense, especially the earthy ones of the figures, the sand and the boat, which contrast with the blue of the sky and the sea. The painting is presented in a period frame.



Antique Painting Signed Eugène Verboeckhoven In the Sheepfold 1857
Antique Painting Signed Eugène Verboeckhoven In the Sheepfold 1857

In the Sheepfold, 1857

Antique Painting Signed Eugène Verboeckhoven In the Sheepfold 1857

In the Sheepfold, 1857

Oil on wooden board. Signed and dated in the center of the left margin. On the back there is a label from an art exhibition held in Sondrio in 1966 and one from the Martina art gallery in Turin. Eugène Verboeckhoven, a Belgian artist, distinguished himself for his paintings of animals, inserted into landscapes or placed in the interiors of stables. He belonged to that school of artists who, starting from the observation of nature, created compositions studied in detail, idealized reproductions of reality. Thanks to his dexterity in depicting animals, many artists called on him to enrich their works with some of his animals and figures. Between 1841 and 1842 he visited Italy, Switzerland and Scotland. The work presented here, an interior of a sheepfold with sheep and chickens scratching around, is presented in a period frame.

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Ancient Painting Riccardo Virgilio 1920 Rovereto Oil on Wood
Ancient Painting Riccardo Virgilio 1920 Rovereto Oil on Wood

Rovereto, 1920

Ancient Painting Riccardo Virgilio 1920 Rovereto Oil on Wood

Rovereto, 1920

Oil on the table. Signed lower left. The title and date on the back in pencil. Riccardo Viriglio, a landscape painter from Pavia, portrayed urban views mainly of his city and landscape views especially of Lombardy. Here is a glimpse of the village of Roveleto, a small village in the Piacenza countryside at the foot of the pre-Apennine hills. The work is presented in a frame.



Antique Painting Lorenzo Delleani Oil on Hardboard 1889
Antique Painting Lorenzo Delleani Oil on Hardboard 1889

Interior of Stable, 1889

Antique Painting Lorenzo Delleani Oil on Hardboard 1889

Interior of Stable, 1889

Oil on hardboard. Signed and dated 11-30-1889 lower left. Delleani, who initially painted mainly historical subjects, progressively approached landscape painting "en plein air", especially of the places of his origins, the Piedmontese valleys, characterizing his views with chromatic vibrations and warm brightness. In the last decades of his life, however, he also allowed himself to be involved in the orientalist trend, but then returned to his landscape views, creating above all panels rich in warm colors and suggestive atmospheres. Rarer but equally evocative is his production of interiors, such as this one of a stable, where the animated figures, the sheep, appear as almost indistinct spots of color within an environment played entirely on the luminous effects of a single chromatic range. Restored and protected, the painting is presented in a gilded frame from the early 1900s.



Ancient Painting The Pietà Oil on Wooden Board Italy XIX Century
Ancient Painting The Pietà Oil on Wooden Board Italy XIX Century

Ancient Painting The Pietà Oil on Wooden Board Italy XIX Century

Oil on wooden board. The painting pictorially reproduces the famous sculpture by Michelangelo, the Pietà of San Pietro or Pietà Vaticana. The composition of the figures is quite faithful to the reference work, but, as well as being painted in colour, it is placed in an open-air setting that refers to Renaissance painting, with the hill of Calvary emerging in shadow on the left. A coat of arms is painted at the bottom left, evoking a noble patronage. The work is presented in a period frame. It has several spots and small drops of color.



The Continence of Scipio Oil on Table Italy XVII Century
The Continence of Scipio Oil on Table Italy XVII Century

The Continence of Scipio Oil on Table Italy XVII Century

Oil on the table. Northern European school of the 17th century. The scene depicts an episode in the life of Scipio narrated by Tito Livio and Valerio Massimo. Publius Cornelius Scipio, later known as Scipio the African, in 209 BC. during the Spanish campaign, after the capture of Cartagena he received as a personal gift a beautiful virgin, who was in the group of hostages. But he, listening to the pleas of his family, respected her by sending her back to her parents and fiancé, with the only recommendation that her betrothed work for peace between Rome and Carthage. In the representation Scipio is in the center, seated on his throne, and turns to the left, to the suppliant parents of the girl, while with a merciful gesture, he indicates to them to take back his daughter, standing on the right, flanked by her boyfriend. All around, soldiers and followers of the king. The scene is full of figures, bright and colorful, and underlines the positivity of the king, a central and powerful character, but capable of meekness and clemency. The restored painting has been reinforced on the back with wooden strips. It is presented in a stylish frame.

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Antique Painting Gallant Scene French School XVIII Century
Antique Painting Gallant Scene French School XVIII Century

French school. Mid 18th century

Antique Painting Gallant Scene French School XVIII Century

French school. Mid 18th century

Oil on wooden board. French School. Mid-18th century. The scene depicts a party in a park enclosed by walls with arched openings that open onto the countryside, and decorated on the right with an amphora on a small column and in the center, behind the figures, with a gushing fountain, with statues of cherubs and shells. Two couples of richly dressed ladies and gentlemen are gallantly entertaining each other, surrounded by servants; one of the men is playing the violin, crouched in front of his lady who, flanked by the damsel, follows the melody on the score held by the black man at her side, while two musicians accompany the playing with the flute and a mandolin; the other couple, in an attitude of intimate dialogue, listens on the left, while on the right the hunter returning from the hunt also observes the scene. The painting is presented in a period frame.

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Ancient Painting '800 Lorenzo Gignous Landscapes on Wooden Board
Ancient Painting '800 Lorenzo Gignous Landscapes on Wooden Board

Ancient Painting '800 Lorenzo Gignous Landscapes on Wooden Board

Oil on wooden board. Signed lower right. These are three small paintings proposing landscape glimpses, made in the naturalistic style typical of Lorenzo Gignous: the two lateral ones, measuring 24 x 30 cm, propose the most recurring subject in the Lombard artist's production, i.e. glimpses of Lake Maggiore, animated by fishing boats; in the center a smaller landscape (18 x 25 cm) with a group of trees in the countryside. The three small paintings are presented in a single coeval frame.



Modern Painting Signed Salvatore Sportelli Oil on Board '900
Modern Painting Signed Salvatore Sportelli Oil on Board '900

Seated Figure

Modern Painting Signed Salvatore Sportelli Oil on Board '900

Seated Figure

Oil on wooden board. Signed lower right. The painter Salvatore Sportelli, of Apulian origin but who lived for a long time in Lodi, where he taught (a posthumous exhibition of his was recently held in the city), produced numerous popular figures and genre scenes characterized by a look at post-impressionism. The work is presented in a frame.



Ancient Painting M. Moretti Foggia '900 Mountain Cabins Oil on Wood
Ancient Painting M. Moretti Foggia '900 Mountain Cabins Oil on Wood

Mountain Cabins

Ancient Painting M. Moretti Foggia '900 Mountain Cabins Oil on Wood

Mountain Cabins

Oil on wood. signed lower right. Mario Moretti Foggia lived and worked until his death in Macugnaga, the mountain town in the Ossola Valley that he often depicted in his works, often offering glimpses of mountain huts in the valleys as in this work. Trained at the school of Tallone, Moretti Foggia was predominantly a landscape painter, who proposed realistic views characterized by a very bright and material chromatic palette. The work is presented in a period frame.


