
220 € 660 € Apply



19 cm 99 cm

39 cm 103 cm

1 cm 9 cm

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Modern Painting J. Pedraza Ostos Oil on Canvas XX Century
Modern Painting J. Pedraza Ostos Oil on Canvas XX Century


Modern Painting J. Pedraza Ostos Oil on Canvas XX Century


Oil painting on canvas. Signature and location bottom left. The Spanish painter José Pedraza Ostos dedicated himself mainly to landscape painting, created with an impressionist imprint, and which mainly portrayed glimpses and views of the places in Andalusia he inhabited. Here is a glimpse of the riverside part of the Andalusian town of Ecija, characterized by numerous water mills. The painting is presented in a late 19th century frame.



G. Valbusa Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century
G. Valbusa Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century

Glimpse of a snowy town

G. Valbusa Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century

Glimpse of a snowy town

Oil on hardboard. Signed lower right. Born in 1905, Gaetano Valbusa worked for over forty years as a worker in the Brescia Mechanical Workshops, until retirement, devoting himself to painting only as a passion. Landscape painter, thanks to business trips he was able to portray "en plein air" glimpses of the whole world, even if the glimpses of the places in Brescia are the most recurring subject. Affiliated to the Brescian Artists Association, he was able to exhibit his works and make himself known by critics. In his canvases the landscapes are permeated with great serenity and tranquility, an elegy of serene memories of real life. The glimpse proposed here is presented in a frame.



Modern Painting P. Carena Oil on Canvas Italy 1941
Modern Painting P. Carena Oil on Canvas Italy 1941

Via di paese, 1941

Modern Painting P. Carena Oil on Canvas Italy 1941

Via di paese, 1941

Oil painting on canvas. Signed and dated lower right. The painting, coming from a private collection in Pavia, is published on page 59 of Simona Morani's monograph dedicated to the artist Primo Carena (Bolis editions), with the presentation signed by the art critic Rossana Bossaglia. The view of the town well expresses the subdued intimacy associated with the rigorous realism that characterize the pictorial production of the painter from Pavia. In his landscapes Carena tends "to capture the atmospheric reality of the places without indulging in descriptivism... but constantly supported by a lyrical vein, which is the underlying motif of all his production". The work is presented in a period frame.



Ancient Painting Riccardo Virgilio 1920 Rovereto Oil on Wood
Ancient Painting Riccardo Virgilio 1920 Rovereto Oil on Wood

Rovereto, 1920

Ancient Painting Riccardo Virgilio 1920 Rovereto Oil on Wood

Rovereto, 1920

Oil on the table. Signed lower left. The title and date on the back in pencil. Riccardo Viriglio, a landscape painter from Pavia, portrayed urban views mainly of his city and landscape views especially of Lombardy. Here is a glimpse of the village of Roveleto, a small village in the Piacenza countryside at the foot of the pre-Apennine hills. The work is presented in a frame.



Modern Painting by P. Carena Oil on Canvas Italy 1950s-60s
Modern Painting by P. Carena Oil on Canvas Italy 1950s-60s

San Pietro in Verzolo

Modern Painting by P. Carena Oil on Canvas Italy 1950s-60s

San Pietro in Verzolo

Oil painting on canvas. Signed lower right. The painting, coming from a private collection in Pavia, is published on page 70 of Simona Morani's monograph dedicated to the artist Primo Carena (Bolis editions), with the presentation signed by the art critic Rossana Bossaglia. On the back there is a stamp of participation of the work in the artist's personal exhibition at the Castello Visconteo in Pavia in 1992. The landscape, a stretch of countryside with a backdrop of hills, well expresses the subdued intimacy associated with the rigorous realism that characterizes the production pictorial work by the painter from Pavia. In his landscapes Carena tends "to capture the atmospheric reality of the places without indulging in descriptivism... but constantly supported by a lyrical vein, which is the underlying motif of all his production". The work is presented in a period frame. on page 66 of Simona Morani's monograph dedicated to the artist Primo Carena (Bolis editions), with the presentation signed by the art critic Rossana Bossaglia. On the back there is a stamp of participation of the work in the artist's personal exhibition at the Castello Visconteo in Pavia in 1992. The view of the small village on the outskirts of Pavia, seen from the countryside, well expresses the subdued intimacy associated with the rigorous realism that characterizes the production pictorial work by the painter from Pavia. In his landscapes Carena tends" to capture the atmospheric reality of the places without indulging in descriptivism... but constantly supported by a lyrical vein, which is the underlying motif of all his production". The work is presented in a period frame.



Antique Neapolitan Views Gouache on Paper Italy XIX Century
Antique Neapolitan Views Gouache on Paper Italy XIX Century

Antique Neapolitan Views Gouache on Paper Italy XIX Century

Gouaches on paper. The two small paintings offer Neapolitan views, identified by the inscriptions below: on the left, the eruption of Vesuvius in 1794, on the right, the entrance to the Grotte di Pozzuoli. Typical Grand Tour works, practically delicate and detailed postcards. They are presented in a single frame.



Contemporary Painting G. Balansino 1979 City Glimpses Oil on Hardboard
Contemporary Painting G. Balansino 1979 City Glimpses Oil on Hardboard

The Park 1979

Contemporary Painting G. Balansino 1979 City Glimpses Oil on Hardboard

The Park 1979

Oil on hardboard. Signed lower right. Further signature, date and title on the back. Giovanni Balansino, Piedmontese by origin but Lombard by adoption, chose to depict his love for both lands with his painting made of broad and nervous brushstrokes, dedicating a large part of his production to them. In the proposed painting, Il Balansino presents a glimpse of a city park, with a small terraced relief, animated by a couple of barely sketched figurines that blend into the natural environment, due to the overlapping of colors applied with rapid brushstrokes and with indefinite contours. the work is presented in a frame.


