In this section you can find all the music books available in our online library.  ; A complete and heterogeneous collection of readings dedicated to the music that will succeed in the future. to answer your curiosities. You can find volumes on any genre and even biographies of artists that will allow you to better understand the world of music.
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Di Mano in Mano music book catalogue


If you are passionate about music, you can get a feast of notions on the history of music with us. We will succeed to feed your hunger for curiosity; and lust for musical knowledge.
If you are looking for a book on classical music, our library is for you. Here you can find books on any musical genre. Are you looking for books on Italian music? Well, don't worry and browse our catalogue, you will be surprised by the multitude of books about music.

History of music


In all cultures it is customary to use the font. It is possible to trace different musical influences .
Music has gone through the most important eras. far from each other to reach the age of nearly 55,000 years old. Some scholars have hypothesized, in books on the history of music, the birth of the latter in Africa. Some proposals in our catalogue:

- Queen lyrics
- Works by Mozart
- Works by Eugenio Montale
- Opera books
- Rock music books
- Books of jazz music

and many more books for music lovers!

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