
190 € 18150 € Apply

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17 cm 238 cm

7 cm 630 cm

0 cm 92 cm




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Contemporary Drawing Fausto Melotti 1972 Abstract Subject
Contemporary Drawing Fausto Melotti 1972 Abstract Subject

Contemporary Drawing Fausto Melotti 1972 Abstract Subject

Pencil on paper. Signed on the back. The drawing is registered in the Fausto Melotti Archive, with code DIS 72006. Fausto Melotti was a multifaceted and very prolific artist and it is almost impossible to link his production to a particular technique or theme, without providing only a partial view of his vision artistic. The salient features that are constant in Melotti are geometry, the study of abstraction, which leads him to use realistic but not scientifically accurate elements, and arranging the elements so that they recall a musical rhythm, a detail that refers to his training as a musician Sculptor, painter, musician, poet, he made numerous design drawings for his works. Drawing represented for him a fundamental exercise, to transfuse the original graphic trait from sheets of paper into sculptures and ceramics. The sculptures for which he is best known are made up of geometric elements made with metals (brass, iron and gold) worked into thin filaments, giving life to ethereal, weightless and almost fragile compositions. The work is presented in a frame.



Italian landscape painting with figures
Italian landscape painting with figures

Italian landscape painting with figures

Oil on the table. The picturesque landscape has a wide path in the foreground on the right which winds between fronds and green meadows, where flocks graze; a small family of peasants passes along the path, all engaged in the transport of goods: even the girl carries a large bundle on her head, while the mother carries the basket with her newborn son in the same way! In the background, the plain extends wide to fade towards the distant hills and into the clear and rarefied sky, which gives off an almost pink light. The fir table of the painting has undergone restoration and parqueting. The work is presented in a mid-1900s frame.



Pair of Under Glass Paintings Landscape '800 Gilded Frames
Pair of Under Glass Paintings Landscape '800 Gilded Frames

Pair of Under Glass Paintings Landscape '800 Gilded Frames

Paintings under glass, on a convex glass surface. The two oval paintings offer landscapes enlivened by figurines of people intent on various activities: in one the setting is in the mountains, with small chalets below by the stream and below rocky peaks; in the other instead at night, a placid river flows near wooded banks, illuminated by the full moon. The paintings are presented in contemporary gilded frames, to be restored due to deficiencies.



Portrait Of A Young Woman Pencil On Paper 19th Century
Portrait Of A Young Woman Pencil On Paper 19th Century

Portrait Of A Young Woman Pencil On Paper 19th Century

Pencil on paper. Good use of the hatching and chiaroscuro are shown in this portrait of a young woman. The portrait comes with a 19th century wooden frame that had beeen embellished with leafy and floral leather inserts; the frame has some color drops and some missing parts.



Portrait Of A Young Woman Pencil Charcoal Withe Lead On Paper 1858
Portrait Of A Young Woman Pencil Charcoal Withe Lead On Paper 1858

Portrait Of A Young Woman Pencil Charcoal Withe Lead On Paper 1858

Pencil, charcoal and white lead on paper. Signed (Amalia Bianchi?) and dated at the bottom right. Very effective is the use of different pigments that creates a play of chiaroscuri that underlines the figure. The portrait come in a 19th century wooden frame with leather leafy and floral inserts; it has missing parts and color drops.



Contemporary Drawing by Fausto Melotti Painting Pencil on Paper Frame
Contemporary Drawing by Fausto Melotti Painting Pencil on Paper Frame

Sculpture project

Contemporary Drawing by Fausto Melotti Painting Pencil on Paper Frame

Sculpture project

Pencil on watermarked paper. Signed lower left. The drawing is accompanied by an authentication on photo from the Fausto Melotti Archive, with code DIS 36 015, showing the data of the work. Fausto Melotti was a multifaceted and very prolific artist and it is almost impossible to link his production to a particular technique or theme, without providing only a partial view of his artistic vision. The salient features that are constant in Melotti are geometry, the study of abstraction, which leads him to use realistic but not scientifically accurate elements, and arranging the elements so that they recall a musical rhythm, a detail that refers to his training as a musician Sculptor, painter, musician, poet, he made numerous design drawings for his works. Drawing represented for him a fundamental exercise, to transfuse the original graphic trait from sheets of paper into sculptures and ceramics. The sculptures for which he is best known are made up of geometric elements made with metals (brass, iron and gold) worked into thin filaments, giving life to ethereal, weightless and almost fragile compositions. The work is presented in a frame.



Baroque Sculpture Carved Wood Central Italy XVII-XVIII Century
Baroque Sculpture Carved Wood Central Italy XVII-XVIII Century

Central Italy XVII Century

Baroque Sculpture Carved Wood Central Italy XVII-XVIII Century

Central Italy XVII Century

Baroque sculpture in walnut, central Italy 17th century. The male figure, created to be seen in an elevated position with respect to the observer and originally part of a larger sculptural group, is characterized by wavy hair and beard, right arm brought to the chin while the left in an enveloping position, in the act of to support an object or to cling to some element of support; dressed in a rich drapery that leaves the upper part of the bust and the legs uncovered, one bent and the other stretched out. The volume and plasticity of the body, combined with the sense of movement transmitted by the twist, look to the sculptural production of the Roman Baroque.

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Painting by G. Micheroux The Bread's Oven Oil on Canvas XIX Century
Painting by G. Micheroux The Bread's Oven Oil on Canvas XIX Century

Landscape with Figures and Bread Oven

Painting by G. Micheroux The Bread's Oven Oil on Canvas XIX Century

Landscape with Figures and Bread Oven

Oil painting on canvas. Signed lower left. The landscape view shows in the foreground a mountain path that leads to a bread oven, where a woman prepares the bundles of wood for the fire, while a traveler approaches on the back of a donkey; in the valley the viaduct over the river that leads to the village, surmounted by other barren peaks. Micheroux, belonging to the Posillipo school, or the nineteenth-century school of Neapolitan artists dedicated to landscape painting, created several glimpses of the Campania hinterland, but little is left of his production and little is known about his life. The painting has some small drops of color. It is presented in a late 19th century frame.

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Drawings by Jean Cocteau Gouache on Paper Framed XX Century
Drawings by Jean Cocteau Gouache on Paper Framed XX Century

3 Faces 8 Leaves

Drawings by Jean Cocteau Gouache on Paper Framed XX Century

3 Faces 8 Leaves

Gouaches on paper. On the back there are stickers from Sotheby's Auction with the artist's name and the original title "Three faces eight leaves". These are two similar drawings, with the same subject albeit with small differences, and colored with different techniques. Jean Cocteau was a multifaceted artist: writer, playwright, playwright, he also dabbled in the visual arts, loving to experiment with all the avant-gardes of his century. Jean Cocteau published his first book of drawings in 1923, at just 36 years old. In it the poet portrayed his friends Raymond Radiguet, Pablo Picasso, Erik Satie, Francis Poulenc, but also numerous scenes of Parisian daily life, Nijinski's Russian ballets, allegories, caricatures, poetic images. Cocteau reveals himself to be a talented sketcher, but above all an artist capable of capturing the essence of faces, behaviors and human weaknesses. Framed work.

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Antique Painting Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Central European school of the eighteenth century. Under a blue sky, a large, rather barren landscape is depicted, with the edge of a wood opening onto a rocky valley, with a river flowing between the rocks and snow-capped peaks in the background; in the foreground, scattered, some figures of shepherds with their flocks. On the stretcher at the back of the work, a cartouche refers to Poussin, the artist representing seventeenth-century classicism whose pictorial methods inspired the author of the painting. The painting, relined, is presented in a period frame.



Landscape Painting Attributed to Thomas Heeremans Oil on Canvas
Landscape Painting Attributed to Thomas Heeremans Oil on Canvas

Winter Landscape with Figures on Ice

Landscape Painting Attributed to Thomas Heeremans Oil on Canvas

Winter Landscape with Figures on Ice

Oil painting on canvas. Flemish school of the XVII-XVIII century. On the frame there is a label attributing to Thomas Heeremans (but with incorrect date). The large scene offers a winter landscape appropriate to the Dutch territory, as it is characterized by a frozen canal, near a village, populated by numerous figures of skaters, intent on daily activities: the horse-drawn sleigh for transporting people, the the man who pushes the "wheelbarrow" full of wood, the child who pushes himself into his little box; other figures pass by on the embankment along the canal. The gray and cold sky of a winter day hangs over everything. The subject was the recurring one in the production of the Dutch painter Thomas Heeremans, who mainly painted winter landscapes of his land, replicating them several times due to the success obtained, and inducing numerous other artists to imitate him; it is therefore thought that this work can be traced back to an imitator of the Heeremans, rather than to him directly. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a period frame.

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Ancient Drawings Vincenzo Gazzotto '800 Burin Engravings on Copper
Ancient Drawings Vincenzo Gazzotto '800 Burin Engravings on Copper

Ancient Drawings Vincenzo Gazzotto '800 Burin Engravings on Copper

Burin engravings on copper. Designed by Vincenzo Gazzotto and engraved by Antonio Bernati (1792-1873) in 1833, these are four engravings taken from the figurative repertoire "The costume of all nations and of all times, described and illustrated with an atlas" published by Lodovico Menin between 1833 and 1843. Each panel is numbered in the upper right corner, and bears in the upper center the indication of the geographical region and historical period of the costume scenes depicted. There are costumes: Lombardi sec. IX - X; Lombardi sec. XIV -XV; Tuscans sec. XIII-XIV; Marca Trevigiana sec. XIV. The engravings are presented in wooden frames from the mid-1900s, in an antique style.



A Suggestive Genre Scene Oil on Canvas French School XIX Century
A Suggestive Genre Scene Oil on Canvas French School XIX Century

The Showdown

A Suggestive Genre Scene Oil on Canvas French School XIX Century

The Showdown

Oil painting on canvas. French school of the 19th century. In the tasty scene, a satirical episode linked to the French revolution is presented: on a carriage that bears on the door the three lilies of France with the initials LR, referring to the royal dynasty (Louis roi?), some people seem to want to leave hastily, while an innkeeper holding the bill tries to get paid, however held back by a guard. At the top left, the sign of the tavern reads "L'agneau a moderé", or "The lamb has moderated", an ironic expression meaning that until then it was tolerated (the regime) thanks to the sacrifice of someone, but the moment of reckoning has now come. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a period frame.



Antique Female Portrait French School '700 Painting Oil on Canvas
Antique Female Portrait French School '700 Painting Oil on Canvas

Antique Female Portrait French School '700 Painting Oil on Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. French school of the eighteenth century. On the base of the column to the right, there is an inscription with the woman's name, age 86 in the year of the portrait ("Marguerite Paree agèe 86 ans en 1762"). The canvas, with signs of restoration and relining, has a rather marked crack.


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Modern Painting Landscape in Brianza Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century
Modern Painting Landscape in Brianza Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

In Brianza

Modern Painting Landscape in Brianza Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

In Brianza

Oil painting on canvas. At the bottom left there is the DB monogram. Title and gallery stamp on the back. The glimpse of the Brianza countryside, still flat, sees a shepherd who lets his cows graze in the meadows immediately outside the village, near the dirt road flanked by light poles; two bare and thin trunks stand vertically, almost parallel, dividing the scene into three shots. The work is presented in a coeval frame.



Oil on Canvas Attributed to D. Gargiulo Italy XVII Century
Oil on Canvas Attributed to D. Gargiulo Italy XVII Century

Landscape with Architecture and Figures

Oil on Canvas Attributed to D. Gargiulo Italy XVII Century

Landscape with Architecture and Figures

Oil on canvas. The large landscape is dominated by an imposing architectural structure with columns overlooking the sea, which occupies the entire central part of the canvas, while a fortress is outlined on the right. The scene is then animated by numerous figures of commoners intent on daily activities: in the foreground on the left, on the quay, a group of men awaits the load of numerous crates and trunks. The monogram D.G. This abbreviation, together with the baroque stylistic modality, refers to the attribution to Domenico Gargiulo, stage name of the Neapolitan painter Micco Spadaro (1609/1612 - 1675). Active mainly in Naples, especially in the two decades between the mid-seventeenth century, the Gargiulo established itself mainly as a landscape painter and above all for having documented the tumultuous events of Naples in the seventeenth century (eruptions, epidemics, the revolt of Masaniello). The progressive specialization in the representation of landscapes or city scenes, crowded with figurines presented with minute descriptions and with attention to popular social reality, meant that his commission was mainly of a private nature, receiving commissions from numerous Neapolitan notables, regents, knights and finding his works in all the most important Neapolitan collections of the time. Among its major clients there was also the great Flemish collector Gaspare Roomer, to whom the Gargiulo owed its fortune. Gargiulo often inserted his abbreviations in his works, but rarely dated them; it was possible to establish the dating of his production only thanks to the realization of a series of works for the monks of the Certosa di S. Martino, which took place between 1638 and 1646, among the few religious works he made but the only ones in be documented with some accuracy. The large canvas proposed here is presented in a stylish frame.

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Marble Statue of a Faun Italy 17th Century
Marble Statue of a Faun Italy 17th Century

Marble Statue of a Faun Italy 17th Century

Faun-Demon. Female figure with goat legs. Animal skin on her shoulders. Demonic face. She is holding a turtle.

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B. Ferrari Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century
B. Ferrari Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

Ligurian Beach

B. Ferrari Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

Ligurian Beach

Oil on canvas. Signed lower left. It is a glimpse of the Ligurian Riviera, near a cove, surmounted by houses close to the coast. Berto Ferrari, born and always lived in Liguria, was a skilled and sensitive marine and landscape painter of the post-impressionist tradition, who painted the beauties of the Ligurian Riviera and numerous views of the Apennine hinterland. The painting has drops of color and traces of restoration. It is in a coeval frame.



Antique Painting Landscape Crayons on Paper 1930
Antique Painting Landscape Crayons on Paper 1930

Antique Painting Landscape Crayons on Paper 1930

Crayons on paper. In the lower right, inconsistent signature and date 1930. In an orderly countryside, a cottage stands on the left with clothes hanging in the sun on outdoor lines; on the right, a man on crutches walks along the road, while another lights a cigarette on the bank above. In the center, a light pole divides the scene in two. The work is presented in a period frame.



The Capture of St. Thomas Aquinas Oil on Canvas Italy XVII Century
The Capture of St. Thomas Aquinas Oil on Canvas Italy XVII Century

The Capture of St. Thomas Aquinas Oil on Canvas Italy XVII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Tuscan school of the seventeenth century. Scion of an ancient Longobard lineage of Aquino (in the province of Frosinone), Thomas (born around 1226) went to Naples to study, in 1243 he entered the order of Dominican preachers against the wishes of his relatives, but during the journey to the northerner was arrested by his brothers and held prisoner for about a year. In the scene, the young saint in the centre, already dressed in the Dominican habit, is surrounded on both sides by four richly dressed figures, precisely his relatives, probably including his mother, who hold him kindly, almost embracing him, while with gestures of the hands and the afflicted and loving looks try to convince him, almost begging him. The figures are also placed in a prison, as indicated by the bars in the window on the right, to underline the coercive action performed. Rich and detailed are the details of the clothes of the characters, with bright colors that contrast with Thomas' dress, plastic movements properly in Baroque taste. Already restored and relined, the painting is in good condition, with evident cracking. It is presented in an antique re-lacquered and re-gilded frame.

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