
190 € 18150 € Apply

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17 cm 238 cm

7 cm 630 cm

0 cm 92 cm




In our catalog you can find works of art from the 16th century to the present day. In our online art gallery it is possible to find the right place.There is an important and refined selection of antique paintings, contemporary art, antique paintings and sculptures with which you can enrich your home.

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Portrait Of A Young Girl With A Dog Pencil Charcoal White Lead 1900
Portrait Of A Young Girl With A Dog Pencil Charcoal White Lead 1900

Portrait Of A Young Girl With A Dog Pencil Charcoal White Lead 1900

Pencil, charcoal and white lead on paper. SIgned (Amalia Bianche?) and dated at the bottom right. Very effective is the use of different pigments that creat a play of chiaroscuri underlined by the figures. The portrait come in a 19th century wooden frame that had been embellished with leather floral and leafy inserts. It shows small drops of color and missing parts.



Contemporary Painting Paolo Baratella 1992 Plato and Aristotle
Contemporary Painting Paolo Baratella 1992 Plato and Aristotle

Plato and Aristotle

Contemporary Painting Paolo Baratella 1992 Plato and Aristotle

Plato and Aristotle

Mixed media on canvas. Signature, title, date and dedication on the reverse. Paolo Baratella, a recently deceased artist from Ferrara, developed his art by composing vast pictorial cycles inspired by contemporary subjects; we therefore have series of works by him gathered under significant titles. From the mid-1980s and into the 2000s, his scenographic apparatuses became more enriched with cultural, pictorial and literal iconographic references. In particular, Baratella pays greater attention to the iconography of art, philosophy and history. In this work the artist presents the portraits of the two great Greek philosophers (taken from their traditional classical depictions) and shades them in a frame of pink-blue colours. The two individual canvases are placed side by side inside a worked wooden frame, on whose two horizontal crosspieces the words "Timaeus" a work written by Plato, and "Ethics", a recurring theme of Aristotelian philosophy, are engraved.



Contemporary Sculpture Guido Lodigiani 1993 Female Figure Bronze
Contemporary Sculpture Guido Lodigiani 1993 Female Figure Bronze

Female Figure 1993

Contemporary Sculpture Guido Lodigiani 1993 Female Figure Bronze

Female Figure 1993

Polychrome bronze sculpture on stone base. Signature and date on the base. Guido Lodigiani, a Milanese sculptor who is still active and a passionate teacher at the Brera Academy, said of his art: " believe that the artist is called to show the root of human experience and in this way to excite again". And the root of existence, its womb, is the woman, whom Lodigiani considers the Woman of the Announcement, an expression of the restless and intimate tension towards the mystery of creation. Lodigiani's sculpture extracts form, as if from a mother's womb, starting from an original nucleus of matter in which it excavates voids and tensions. This plastic tension is well expressed in this naked female figure, seated but twisted, as if she had just emerged from indistinct matter and tended upwards, towards life, towards the light.



Portrait Of A Scottish Monarch Oil On Canvas 19th Century
Portrait Of A Scottish Monarch Oil On Canvas 19th Century

Portrait Of A Scottish Monarch Oil On Canvas 19th Century

Oil on canvas. Intense and high quality, the painting depicts a monarch of the royal house of Scotland. Around the portrait, in a painted oval frame, there are some writings: the name Rober(t) appears at the top left, the title Rex at the bottom left and the abbreviation Scot, which stands for Scotorum, on the right; the writing at the top right is not identifiable, but it seems to be an acronym. The man portrayed wears a hat and a coat adorned with ermine fur, which is considered the noblest fur, reserved for royalty. He wears a golden pendant around his neck, which depicts two leaves with the fruit of the thistle, which, in heraldry, symbolizes Scotland. The writing and the pendant therefore refer to a Robert of Scotland, probably from the dynasty that reigned in the fourteenth century. The portrait was however executed in the romantic nineteenth-century period, probably using some ancient engravings for inspiration. Restored and relined, it is presented in a frame in style.

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Antique Painting '600-'700 Moses Rescued from the Water Oil on Canvas
Antique Painting '600-'700 Moses Rescued from the Water Oil on Canvas

Antique Painting '600-'700 Moses Rescued from the Water Oil on Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. The scene tells the biblical episode of the book of Exodus in which little Moses, whom his mother had entrusted to the river inside a basket to save him from the massacre of the Israeli male children (ordered by the Pharaoh of Egypt to prevent if the Israeli people became too numerous and could rebel against slavery), he is found by a handmaiden of Pharaoh's daughter, who decides to adopt him and saves him. The scene is set on the banks of a river but in a non-oriental landscape, with architectural structures on the right: numerous figures, depicting the princess' entourage, placed in the center together with the child in the basket. The restored canvas was applied on a modern stretcher. It is presented in chronicle of the 19th century.



Battle Scene Oil On Canvas 17th Century
Battle Scene Oil On Canvas 17th Century

Battle Scene Oil On Canvas 17th Century

Oil on canvas. Mittel-European School. There is a No.S monogram on the back and numbers probably from an inventory. The painting reminds of pieces from the Austrian area. It represents a battle between knights, it is dominated in the foreground by the confrontation between two of them. The painting comes from a historical collection from Lombardy. The painting is still in its first canvas and original framing; there are patches on the back and signs of antique restorations, it has also undergone an additional pictorial and reperativr restoration, in our lab. Well marked crack. The painting is presented in an original and coeval frame, lacquered.



Sculpture by Marco Cornini
Sculpture by Marco Cornini

Girl in armchair

Sculpture by Marco Cornini

Girl in armchair

Terracotta sculpture. Signed lower right. Marco Cornini, a Milanese artist trained at the Brera Academy, works mainly with terracotta, with which he creates human figures, both male and female, men and women, or better yet boys and girls of more or less the same generation, in moments of their intimacy, often as a couple but also individually, with sentimental, erotic and passionate values. Here we see a naked woman sitting in an armchair in a room, in an attitude of intimate desperation.



The Flight Into Egypt Oil On Canvas 18th Century
The Flight Into Egypt Oil On Canvas 18th Century

The Flight Into Egypt Oil On Canvas 18th Century

Oil on canvas. Italian School. The scene, full of figures, depicts the Holy Family walking towards Egypt, guided by an Angel and assisted by other angels above. The figures are inserted in a typical Italian landscape, they are depicted in a very earthly dimension: the Child, even with a halo, sleeps peacefully in His Mother's hands; Mary, who is wearing an unusual pilgrim's hat, met her husband's Joseph gaze, who is reassuring her with a sweet gesture - he is putting a hand on her knee-, while he is talking with the Angel who is showing them the way. Relined, the painting has some paint losses that need restoration. It is in an adapted frame, from the late '800 - early '900.



Ancient Painting Hercules Sanders '600 Scene with Figures Canvas
Ancient Painting Hercules Sanders '600 Scene with Figures Canvas

Figures with Autumnal Still Life

Ancient Painting Hercules Sanders '600 Scene with Figures Canvas

Figures with Autumnal Still Life

Oil painting on canvas. The H.Sanders signature is present on the barrel at the bottom left. The scene, set outdoors in a street of a Flemish city, with the canal in the background on the left, sees in the foreground a vegetable seller behind her stall, which is set up with a varied composition of winter vegetables, a composed still life from cauliflowers, cabbage, carrots, corn on the cob; next to the woman, a passer-by carrying a harpoon on his shoulder is offering her some fish, evidently the fruit of his catch that he wants to sell. The setting brings to mind Amsterdam, the city where the Dutch painter Hercules (or Herkules) Sanders was born and lived, who established himself mainly as a portraitist, but of whom an interior genre scene is known, currently at the Detroit Institute of Arts, dated 1647 and entitled "Woman cleaning fish", whose female figure closely resembles the seller of the work presented here. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a period frame.

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Ancient Painting '600-'700 The Preaching of St. John Canvas
Ancient Painting '600-'700 The Preaching of St. John Canvas

Ancient Painting '600-'700 The Preaching of St. John Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. Flemish school of the 17th-18th centuries. The large scene takes place in a vast Nordic landscape, within a forest full of twisted plants, and on the right a city surmounted by rocky peaks. Inside the woods a large group of figures, popular but also high-ranking figures, all in oriental clothes, who form a circle around John the Baptist, portrayed in his traditional iconographic costume (dressed in skins, with the staff surmounted by the Cross and wrapped in the scroll, a little lamb at his feet): John's gaze is turned upwards, in line with a bird flying above the treetops, a symbolic representation of the Holy Spirit who inspires the preacher's words. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a late 19th - early 20th century frame.

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Ancient Painting Still Life with Flowers and Birds Oil on Canvas '600
Ancient Painting Still Life with Flowers and Birds Oil on Canvas '600

Ancient Painting Still Life with Flowers and Birds Oil on Canvas '600

Oil painting on canvas. Neapolitan school of the 17th century. A composition of variegated flowers, in light shades, is placed in a vase, black like the background, on a marble base, of which only the base can be distinguished, because it is covered with a fabric that is also black, of which only the golden trimmings stand out willing to create a game of curves; Two birds rest on both sides of the top, a large pigeon on the left holding a twig stolen from the composition in its beak, and a red-headed woodpecker on the right. Along the left margin a landscape opens up, with a tall curved tree under a dark sky, and a city in the background. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a late 19th century frame.

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Allegoric Painting Cherubs Playing with Cards XVIII Century
Allegoric Painting Cherubs Playing with Cards XVIII Century

Cherubs playing with cards

Allegoric Painting Cherubs Playing with Cards XVIII Century

Cherubs playing with cards

Oil on canvas. The depicted scene is set in a closed environment with a wide window which provides a glimpse of landscape. Three cherubs are sitting on benches and they are playing with cards, trying to build a castle. The painting has been restored. 18th century.



Chinese Man Dancing French School Tempera On Paper About 1750
Chinese Man Dancing French School Tempera On Paper About 1750

Chinese Man Dancing French School Tempera On Paper About 1750

Tempera on paper on etching. French school from about 1750-1770. Refined colouring of a coeval French print. The oriental subject is a young Chinese man who hints at some dance steps on an outdoor trail, under a plant of exotic fruit. The quality of the piece reminds of the French Rococo production, like those of François Boucher (1703-1770) or Jean Pillement (1728-1808), who both contributed to the spreading of the liking for Chinese representations in Europe. Pillement was the author of numerous drawings and etchings of Chinese taste, collected in two volumes (1767-71) and widely spread in Europe as models. The drawing needs cleaning and restoration. It is mounted on cardboard and comes with a frame.



Pair of Paintings Oil on Canvas Eastern Europe XIX-XX Century
Pair of Paintings Oil on Canvas Eastern Europe XIX-XX Century

Pair of Paintings Oil on Canvas Eastern Europe XIX-XX Century

Oil on canvas. Eastern European School. Signed Szego G. below. These are two works to be proposed aligned because they depict a boy and a girl lying on the same lawn in a mirrored position, as if facing each other, probably intent on a love game: they wear gypsy clothes and have musical instruments with them - she a tambourine and him a violin - which refer to two characters of Slavic ethnicity, from the gypsy world. The whole is lively and serene. The two works are presented in styled frames.



Contemporary Sculpture Bas-Relief A. Guazzardella Owl 1994 Bronze
Contemporary Sculpture Bas-Relief A. Guazzardella Owl 1994 Bronze

Owl 1994

Contemporary Sculpture Bas-Relief A. Guazzardella Owl 1994 Bronze

Owl 1994

Bronze bas-relief. Signed lower left, initials AG upper right. On the back of the panel, there is the name, title and date of the work. Achille Guzzardella, a Milanese sculptor-painter, is particularly renowned for his sculptural portraits of well-known personalities from the Italian art world. Among others, he portrayed Vittorio Sgarbi, who called him 'the fighter of clay' and also 'Achille who paints with his soul'. Eclectic and refined, he has also created other subjects, using different techniques. Oneiric in his oil painting and always close to man in his sculptural work, Guzzardella fascinates art lovers with his concreteness expressed through his personal formal research.



Antique Painting '600 The Rape of the Sabine Oil on Canvas Framed
Antique Painting '600 The Rape of the Sabine Oil on Canvas Framed

Antique Painting '600 The Rape of the Sabine Oil on Canvas Framed

Oil painting on canvas. Roman school of the 17th century. The large scene represents the famous episode halfway between real history and legend, told for the first time by Tito Livio in his "Ab urbe condita libri" (the books of the "History of Rome from its foundation"). To populate the newly founded city, Romulus, founder and first king of the city, resorted to a stratagem: he invited the Sabines, who lived in the nearby city of Curi, to the Consualia festival, in honor of the god Neptune, and kidnapped their women. The painting depicts the moment in which the Romans kidnapped the Sabine women, forcibly taking them away from their companions, under the eyes of the king, who remained hidden behind the columns of the temple of the deity, the god Neptune, recognizable by the trident. In the center at the rear is the obelisk, which for the Romans acquired a symbolic meaning as war booty and testimony to imperial strength. The many figures intertwine with each other, chasing each other, overlapping, creating plays of bodies and chromatic effects. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in an antique frame.

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Antique Painting The Preaching of St. John the Baptist Oil on Canvas
Antique Painting The Preaching of St. John the Baptist Oil on Canvas

Antique Painting The Preaching of St. John the Baptist Oil on Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. Northern Italian school of the 17th-18th century. The large scene is full of figures in ancient oriental clothing, placed in a Nordic landscape, rich in vegetation and with mountain peaks in the distance. The left half is mainly occupied by Saint John the Baptist, standing and depicted according to traditional iconography: he is dressed in a poor tunic made of animal skins, but has a red cloak draped around him, symbol of martyrdom; with one hand he holds the cross-shaped stick, around which is rolled the scroll with the writing "Ecce Agnus Dei", symbol of his role as precursor and herald of Christ, and at his feet the lamb itself, sacrificial victim and therefore a symbol of Christ's sacrifice. With his other hand John points to someone on his right outside the frame of the scene, but who is obviously Christ: this gesture catalyzes the gazes of the entire crowd located on the right of the scene, a varied crowd representing genders, social classes and races different, indicating the universality of the Baptist's message. The work, previously restored and relined, has a widespread patina that needs to be cleaned. It is presented in an antique frame.

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Ancient Sculpture of an Angel Early XVIII Century Linden
Ancient Sculpture of an Angel Early XVIII Century Linden

Lombardy Early 18th Century

Ancient Sculpture of an Angel Early XVIII Century Linden

Lombardy Early 18th Century

Sculpture of a baroque angel holding a vase in carved lime wood and completely repainted black in a later period, Lombardy, early 18th century. The figure, dressed in a robe decorated with lambrequins, is placed on a base supported by four feral feet. The tastings carried out brought the original colors to light.



Ancient Painting Gino Simonetti '900 Woman at the Spinning Wheel
Ancient Painting Gino Simonetti '900 Woman at the Spinning Wheel

Woman at the Spinning Wheel

Ancient Painting Gino Simonetti '900 Woman at the Spinning Wheel

Woman at the Spinning Wheel

Tempera on paper. Signed lower left. Probably a sketch, due to the rapid drafting and unfinished contours, this work presents a young woman sitting spinning at a spinning wheel. The artist Gino Simonetti, painter but also writer, born in the Piacenza area, lived and worked mainly in Turin. the work is presented in a period frame.



Ancient Painting Scene with a Concert Oil on Canvas XIX Century
Ancient Painting Scene with a Concert Oil on Canvas XIX Century

Ancient Painting Scene with a Concert Oil on Canvas XIX Century

Oil painting on canvas. Signed lower left. Inside a rural kitchen, a peasant family allows themselves a moment of celebration: the father plays the mandolin, listened to by the little girl who seems to want to dance, assisted by her mother, and by the other women of the house, smiling as they carry out their domestic tasks. The production of the Neapolitan painter Giuseppe Giardiello always looked to the folklore of Neapolitan rural and peasant life, painting, with intimate and delicate tones, both scenes of domestic life and landscape views animated by figures. The work is presented in a contemporary frame.


