
220 € 18150 € Apply

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36 cm 202 cm

41 cm 338 cm

2 cm 15 cm

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Antique Painting Young Man with a Pipe Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting Young Man with a Pipe Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting Young Man with a Pipe Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. The painting offers a half-length portrait of a young man who, in deshabillé, is lighting his pipe by drawing fire with a stick from the candle placed in front of him, on the table where a sword is also placed: perhaps it is a young knight in a moment of rest. It is precisely the candle, the only source of light in the scene, which suggests that the artist looked to the production of Georges De La Tour (1593 -1652), the French painter of the Caravaggio style who established himself for his "nocturnal" scenes, characterized by figures, usually low-ranking people rather than historical models or high-ranking figures, illuminated by the light of a candle, to create a special atmosphere of intimacy. The painting, restored and relined, is presented in a period frame.

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Painting Daniel in the Lion's Dem Oil on Canvas XVII Century
Painting Daniel in the Lion's Dem Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Painting Daniel in the Lion's Dem Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Oil painting on canvas. The biblical episode depicted refers to the story of Daniel, the prophet in the court of King Darius the Mede who, for having prayed to his God, was condemned to be thrown into the lions' den. But God saved Daniel, sending an angel to close the jaws of the beasts, and the king pardoned Daniel by instead condemning those who had denounced him. The subject has been depicted several times in art, for the fascination linked to history but also for its exotic flavor due to the presence of wild beasts; in particular we remember the version by Rubens of 1615, where the prophet is depicted naked in the underground pit, while he prays ardently, surrounded by a crowd of ferocious lions. The work presented here instead proposes a version centered on the dialogue between the prophet and the angel, who face each other, standing out with the vivid colors of their robes against the dark background of a prison; there is only one lion, meekly crouching at the angel's feet, and therefore the spiritual and salvific dimension of the biblical event prevails. According to the famous art historian Maurizio Marini, a specialist in the painting of Caravaggio and Baroque art, who had had the opportunity to view the painting years ago, the work could be attributable to Antonio Maria Vassallo (1620 -1664) for the compositional and chromatic choices. The painting, restored and relined, is presented with a listello frame.

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Antique Painting with Landscape Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting with Landscape Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting with Landscape Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Central European school of the 18th century. A river landscape is proposed near a village, with a small bridge in the center that crosses the watercourse, and populated by numerous popular figures, with typically Northern European characteristics due to their fleshy features and cunning and curious expressions. They are engaged in everyday activities related to fishing: in the center a man exposes his catch to a couple, guaranteeing, through the gesture of his arm, its fresh origin; in front of him a child overturns a tub of fish and water snakes while another fisherman, further back, also sells his goods. Two other men, standing in the water, haul in their nets; A shepherdess passes over the bridge with her child and goat. w sitting in the foreground on the right, a woman observes the scene. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a period frame.



Painting Male Portrait Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Painting Male Portrait Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Painting Male Portrait Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Italian school of the eighteenth century. In the portrait of this gentleman, the dressing gown made of an elegant floral fabric stands out in particular, in shades of brick red that recall the color of the wig. The severity of the pose and the austere gaze of the character almost contrast with the almost frivolous elegance of his clothing. The painting, restored and relined, is presented in a frame from the early 1900s.

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Antique Painting with Still Life Oil on Canvas Europe XVII Century
Antique Painting with Still Life Oil on Canvas Europe XVII Century

Antique Painting with Still Life Oil on Canvas Europe XVII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Italian school of the 17th-18th centuries. A large composition of colorful flowers, in embossed metal vases, and some fruits scattered on the ground, are placed close to a wall overlooking a maritime landscape: the brightness of the sky and sea on the right contrasts with the shaded area on the left, on which the colors of the flowers stand out. The painting, relined and restored, has a significant crack. It is presented in a contemporary lacquered and gilded frame.

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Allegoric Painting Cherubs Playing with Cards XVIII Century
Allegoric Painting Cherubs Playing with Cards XVIII Century

Cherubs playing with cards

Allegoric Painting Cherubs Playing with Cards XVIII Century

Cherubs playing with cards

Oil on canvas. The depicted scene is set in a closed environment with a wide window which provides a glimpse of landscape. Three cherubs are sitting on benches and they are playing with cards, trying to build a castle. The painting has been restored. 18th century.



Ancient Painting '800 Portrait of an Elderly Woman Oil on Canvas
Ancient Painting '800 Portrait of an Elderly Woman Oil on Canvas

Ancient Painting '800 Portrait of an Elderly Woman Oil on Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. Northern Italian school of the seventeenth century. In the portrait of this no longer young woman, dressed in an austere black dress that blends into the background, the white lace of the neck and sleeves and the detachable stomacher, or rather the richly embroidered bib to simulate a jewel, invented at the end of the '600 to cover the deep necklines of women's dresses, following the Catholic moralizing influence of the French court; the woman then exhibits a fine gold bracelet on her wrist. Restored and relined in the 19th century, the painting is presented in a late 19th-early 20th century frame.



Ancient Painting '600-'700 Female Bust and Flower Garland Canvas
Ancient Painting '600-'700 Female Bust and Flower Garland Canvas

Ancient Painting '600-'700 Female Bust and Flower Garland Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. Central Italian school of the late 1600s-early 18th century. The composition proposes a female bust in the centre, portrayed as if it were a sculptural effigy, for the monochrome that evokes marble; it is surrounded by a garland of colorful flowers, which stretch from twisted branches above, while a landscape fades in the background. This type of portrait came from a solution born in the Flemish environment and spread in Italy by Daniel Seghers. Restored and relined, the painting has slight drops of colour. It is presented in an antique frame.

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Antique Painting Still Life with Game '600-'700 Oil on Canvas
Antique Painting Still Life with Game '600-'700 Oil on Canvas

Antique Painting Still Life with Game '600-'700 Oil on Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. The composition features a hanging hare in the centre, flanked by some quails and a pigeon; on the right side, a wicker basket containing chestnuts and pine branches; on the left side a bunch of asparagus and a vase of colorful flowers, whose bright and lively colors create a chromatic contrast with the other elements, all in brown and gray tones. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a repurposed 19th century frame.



Portrait Of A Young Woman Pencil Charcoal Withe Lead On Paper 1858
Portrait Of A Young Woman Pencil Charcoal Withe Lead On Paper 1858

Portrait Of A Young Woman Pencil Charcoal Withe Lead On Paper 1858

Pencil, charcoal and white lead on paper. Signed (Amalia Bianchi?) and dated at the bottom right. Very effective is the use of different pigments that creates a play of chiaroscuri that underlines the figure. The portrait come in a 19th century wooden frame with leather leafy and floral inserts; it has missing parts and color drops.



Antique Painting '600-'700 Moses Rescued from the Water Oil on Canvas
Antique Painting '600-'700 Moses Rescued from the Water Oil on Canvas

Antique Painting '600-'700 Moses Rescued from the Water Oil on Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. The scene tells the biblical episode of the book of Exodus in which little Moses, whom his mother had entrusted to the river inside a basket to save him from the massacre of the Israeli male children (ordered by the Pharaoh of Egypt to prevent if the Israeli people became too numerous and could rebel against slavery), he is found by a handmaiden of Pharaoh's daughter, who decides to adopt him and saves him. The scene is set on the banks of a river but in a non-oriental landscape, with architectural structures on the right: numerous figures, depicting the princess' entourage, placed in the center together with the child in the basket. The restored canvas was applied on a modern stretcher. It is presented in chronicle of the 19th century.



Antique Painting Historical Scene '600-'700 Oil on Canvas
Antique Painting Historical Scene '600-'700 Oil on Canvas

Antique Painting Historical Scene '600-'700 Oil on Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. Southern Italian school of the 17th-18th centuries. The scene, full of characters, sees the figure of a leader standing at the centre, well defined in the details of the armour, the crest, as well as the anatomy: he is benevolently accompanying with the movement of his arms a kneeling man who, together to his companion, he is paying homage to an emperor, however indicating with his outstretched hand the group of six children, held back on the right by soldiers. The emperor has risen from the throne, on the left, and goes to meet the prostrate couple, but he too seems almost in an attitude of reverence towards the central leader. The scene seems to refer to a historical episode of clemency of a leader, who due to his age, features and type of armour, could be Alexander the Great, a character who, however, is difficult to match with the other figure crowned with laurel, who descends from the throne in the sumptuous palace . It is therefore not possible to specifically identify the episode (historical or legendary?) of reference. Furthermore, the compositional richness of the scene is appreciated, with numerous well-detailed figures and bright colors to underline its dynamism. The work, restored and relined, is presented in an antique frame.

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Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Venetian school of the late 18th century. The large painting tells the evangelical episode of the meeting between Saint Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptist, and Mary, waiting for Jesus, but inserted in a larger choral scene: it is placed on a large staircase, probably that of the temple in where Zechariah, Elizabeth's husband, was a priest, and a crowd of figures, and is animated by a crowd of figures, among which several women with children and families stand out. Detail in the foreground on the left is the figure with a little boy attached to his legs, who looks towards the viewer, indicating with a broad gesture of his arm the central event, the meeting between the two holy women. The colors stand out, which according to the Venetian pictorial tradition, are founding elements of the scenes, which underline the figures and fade into the different three-dimensional planes. Relined and restored, the canvas has a slight crack on the left. It is presented in a gilded frame from the late 19th century.

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Oval Painting Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas XIX-XX Century
Oval Painting Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas XIX-XX Century

Oval Painting Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas XIX-XX Century

Oil on canvas, applied on hardboard in the second half of the 1900s. The painting takes up the pictorial ways of the eighteenth century, with a decorative cut. In a peaceful landscape, with an architectural structure on the right and the green valley with the river opening on the left, two figures walk along the path, a woman with her bundle of clothes and the wayfarer with a saddlebag and a stick. The work is presented in a chronicle style.



Fight In The Tavern Central European School Oil On Canvas 18th Century
Fight In The Tavern Central European School Oil On Canvas 18th Century

Fight In The Tavern Central European School Oil On Canvas 18th Century

Oil on canvas. Central European school. The scene, set inside a tavern, depicts a fight between two men, who are held by the other patrons and by the innkeeper; on the table, next to the interrupted lunch, the cards of the game that sparked the quarrel. The whole scene is filled with figures, painted in a raw and almost grotesque way, with very pronounced, almost theatrical expressions and poses, underlined even more by the bright colours. Due to these characteristics, the painting fits well into that production of genre scenes based on popular life captured in its most lively and characteristic moments, which started in the seventeenth century in Central Europe, especially in the Netherlands, to replace naturalistic and religious painting with lighter subjects, and which in Italy found a particular expression in the "Bamboccianti School", developed in Rome by Flemish and Italian painters. The painting has been restored and relined. It is presented in a period frame.



Ancient Painting The Holy Veronica '600 Oil on Canvas Italy
Ancient Painting The Holy Veronica '600 Oil on Canvas Italy

Ancient Painting The Holy Veronica '600 Oil on Canvas Italy

Oil on canvas. 17th century Tuscan school. According to Christian tradition, Saint Veronica was the 'pious woman' who, seeing the passion of Jesus carrying the cross and his face smeared with sweat and blood, wiped it with a linen cloth, on which the imprint of Jesus' face would remain. This veil, also known as the Holy Shroud, thus became the iconographic sign of the saint. Veronica also appears in the centre of the painting, while two angels on the sides hold the linen on which Christ's face is imprinted, crowned with thorns; below it, a chalice symbolically collects the divine blood, while above the saint's theta the Holy Spirit hovers. Restored and re-framed, the painting is presented in a stylish frame.



Antique Painting Philip Peter Roos Hunting Scene '700 Canvas
Antique Painting Philip Peter Roos Hunting Scene '700 Canvas

Hunting Scene

Antique Painting Philip Peter Roos Hunting Scene '700 Canvas

Hunting Scene

Oil on canvas. Northern European school of the 18th century. The large scene, set in a Nordic landscape, with thick vegetation under impervious blue peaks, represents the culminating moment of a hunt for a fawn: the knight, who occupies the upper part of the scene, is spearing the prey, terrified and broken down in agony; all around the pack of dogs participates, running around the rider and the prey. Among all, the dog in the center at the bottom stands out, the only one with light fur: the intense brightness that it emanates and which brings out the accurate design of its fur, the moving muscles, the exalted expression of the animal, makes it they make the protagonist of the scene, drawing the gaze towards themselves, while all the other figures, including the knight, become the outline, accurate and precise but not the protagonist. It is precisely the accuracy in painting the animals that places the work close to the production of Philip Peter Roos, known as Rosa da Tivoli: originally from Frankfurt but then moved to Rome, where he remained until his death, this artist was very active above all as a painter of animals, shot in the foreground against landscape backgrounds and executed with rich color and intense light effects. The great success he had and the consequent very large production (sometimes to the detriment of the quality of the works), justify the frequent attribution to this painter of works with a subject and pictorial technique close to his, such as the one presented here, which however is not documented and validated. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a late 19th century frame.

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Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVI-XVII Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVI-XVII Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVI-XVII Century

Oil painting on canvas. The subject, recurring in 17th and 18th century painting due to the mystical but at the same time sensual component of this saint, presents Magdalene in the desert, wrapped in her long loose hair and a drape, while on her knees she meditates on the skull, the traditional Memento mori, holding a sackcloth in his hand; Above her is an angel holding the jar of ointments in his hand, another attribute of the saint, whose shoulder he is preparing to anoint, as a sign of consecration to God. The work, restored and relined, is presented in a contemporary frame.



Antique Painting Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Central European school of the eighteenth century. Under a blue sky, a large, rather barren landscape is depicted, with the edge of a wood opening onto a rocky valley, with a river flowing between the rocks and snow-capped peaks in the background; in the foreground, scattered, some figures of shepherds with their flocks. On the stretcher at the back of the work, a cartouche refers to Poussin, the artist representing seventeenth-century classicism whose pictorial methods inspired the author of the painting. The painting, relined, is presented in a period frame.



Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. The biblical scene depicts the Holy Family with Mary sitting on the donkey, newborn Jesus in her arms and Joseph pulling the animal, as they flee from Nazareth, headed for Egypt, to escape Herod's persecution. Some little angels hover above them. The gazes of the angels, Joseph and Mary tenderly converge on the Child. In the background a Nordic landscape. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a period frame.


