
200 € 7530 € Apply

dimensioni opera

17 cm 188 cm

22 cm 226 cm

0 cm 12 cm



In this section you can find all the works of 20th Century Art available in our online catalogue. A wide and refined selection that includes landscapes, still lifes, portraits, faces, sacred subjects, glimpses and views of 20th century artists with which to enrich the rooms of your home

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Contemporary Painting by Giovanni Balansino Landscape Oil on Hardboard
Contemporary Painting by Giovanni Balansino Landscape Oil on Hardboard

Contemporary Painting by Giovanni Balansino Landscape Oil on Hardboard

Oil on hardboard. Signed lower right. Further signature, date and title on the back. Giovanni Balansino, Piedmontese by origin but Lombard by adoption, chose to depict his love for both lands with his painting made of broad and nervous brushstrokes, dedicating a large part of his production to them., which this glimpse includes of a town in the Lombard plain. In frame.



Modern Painting Landscape in Brianza Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century
Modern Painting Landscape in Brianza Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

In Brianza

Modern Painting Landscape in Brianza Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

In Brianza

Oil painting on canvas. At the bottom left there is the DB monogram. Title and gallery stamp on the back. The glimpse of the Brianza countryside, still flat, sees a shepherd who lets his cows graze in the meadows immediately outside the village, near the dirt road flanked by light poles; two bare and thin trunks stand vertically, almost parallel, dividing the scene into three shots. The work is presented in a coeval frame.



B. Ferrari Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century
B. Ferrari Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

Ligurian Beach

B. Ferrari Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

Ligurian Beach

Oil on canvas. Signed lower left. It is a glimpse of the Ligurian Riviera, near a cove, surmounted by houses close to the coast. Berto Ferrari, born and always lived in Liguria, was a skilled and sensitive marine and landscape painter of the post-impressionist tradition, who painted the beauties of the Ligurian Riviera and numerous views of the Apennine hinterland. The painting has drops of color and traces of restoration. It is in a coeval frame.



Antique Painting Landscape Crayons on Paper 1930
Antique Painting Landscape Crayons on Paper 1930

Antique Painting Landscape Crayons on Paper 1930

Crayons on paper. In the lower right, inconsistent signature and date 1930. In an orderly countryside, a cottage stands on the left with clothes hanging in the sun on outdoor lines; on the right, a man on crutches walks along the road, while another lights a cigarette on the bank above. In the center, a light pole divides the scene in two. The work is presented in a period frame.



R. Pellegrini Oil on Canvas Italy 1909
R. Pellegrini Oil on Canvas Italy 1909

Glimpse of Mandello Lario 1909

R. Pellegrini Oil on Canvas Italy 1909

Glimpse of Mandello Lario 1909

Oil on canvas. Signature and location (Mandello) lower left. On the back additional signature, date and title in full. Riccardo Pellegrini, a Milanese painter, was a pupil of Domenico Morelli and was educated in the climate of romanticism. He was a landscape painter and genre painter, but he also created valuable still lifes, with bright colors and a precise and realistic drawing. His landscape production drew on the various places he visited and lived, in Italy and abroad, especially in Spain and France. In this landscape, Pellegrini offers a glimpse of the mountain that overlooks the town on the shores of Lake Como: a barren and bare mountain, albeit inhabited, with the hut on the top and a female figurine that fills the buckets at the stream of flowing water. between the rocks; the colors are those of the winter mists, divided almost transversely between the gray-blue of the upper part, with clouds laden with rain that dominate the peaks on the other side of the lake (which can be sensed, without being seen), and the green-brown of the land that occupies the lower half, with the branches of the bare trees stretched out to connect the two halves. The quiet of the mountains, the title of the work, clearly shines through and pervades the mind of the observer. The painting is presented in a contemporary frame.

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E. Hermann Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century
E. Hermann Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century


E. Hermann Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century


Oil on hardboard. Signed lower right. On the back there is a paper label with the data of the work. A beautiful bouquet of daisies fills a vase, placed in front of a drapery that creates a play of white and green colors. The painting is presented in a beautiful 1950s frame, box-like with a raised gilt edge.



F. Camarda Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century
F. Camarda Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

Portrait of a child

F. Camarda Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

Portrait of a child

Oil on canvas. Signed lower right. Palermitan painter, Francesco Camarda distinguished himself for figure painting, dedicated to portraits and the nude, and above all for animalist painting, in the wake of the realist production of the Palizzi brothers. He was able to express a painting with a lively and fresh color. In this small canvas is proposed the portrait of a child sitting on a chair, hooded to frame the plump and smiling face, the direct gaze, the plump little hands resting on the knees in a proud and resolute pose. The work is presented in a contemporary frame.



G. Valbusa Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century
G. Valbusa Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century

Glimpse of a snowy town

G. Valbusa Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century

Glimpse of a snowy town

Oil on hardboard. Signed lower right. Born in 1905, Gaetano Valbusa worked for over forty years as a worker in the Brescia Mechanical Workshops, until retirement, devoting himself to painting only as a passion. Landscape painter, thanks to business trips he was able to portray "en plein air" glimpses of the whole world, even if the glimpses of the places in Brescia are the most recurring subject. Affiliated to the Brescian Artists Association, he was able to exhibit his works and make himself known by critics. In his canvases the landscapes are permeated with great serenity and tranquility, an elegy of serene memories of real life. The glimpse proposed here is presented in a frame.



Antique Painting Landscape Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century
Antique Painting Landscape Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

Antique Painting Landscape Oil on Canvas Italy XX Century

Oil on canvas. The painting, made in the first half of the 1900s, takes up the landscape works in the subject and in the pictorial mode: in a landscape rich in vegetation and with peaks in the background, a young commoner asks for charity from some travelers who rest on the roadside , near a stone arch. The canvas has undergone aging and is presented in a late 19th century frame.


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G. Zocchi Oil on Wooden Table Italy XX Century
G. Zocchi Oil on Wooden Table Italy XX Century

Landscape with Sheaf

G. Zocchi Oil on Wooden Table Italy XX Century

Landscape with Sheaf

Oil on the table. Signed G. Zocchi lower right. It is probably a late work by the Florentine painter Guglielmo Zocchi, best known for the lively genre scenes of Greco-Roman setting, which earned him great success especially abroad. Landscape production is rare. The painting is presented in a coeval frame with shortcomings.



Modern Litograph on Paper by M. Denis France 1911
Modern Litograph on Paper by M. Denis France 1911

Sur le Canapé d'Argent pâle 1911

Modern Litograph on Paper by M. Denis France 1911

Sur le Canapé d'Argent pâle 1911

Color lithograph on vellum paper. The title at the bottom left. On the passepartout the name and the wording "original lithographie". It is planche n.10 of the "Amour" series, created in 1899 by the French artist and inspired by the love poems Denis wrote for his future wife, Marthe Meurier. Some replicas of the initial series were made, of which the one on tissue paper dated 1911. Maurice Denis, French painter, was artistically formed in coincidence with the birth of the symbolist movement that strongly influenced him, imposing himself for his simplicity and for his philosophy of a art that was a synthesis between the external world and the artist's spirituality. In his earliest works, the pictorial style was naturalist and neo-impressionist, but over time tended towards a pure decorativism, characterized by areas of flat color and clear outlines. In 1888, at the Julian Academy in Paris, Maurice Denis founded with Paul Sérusier, Pierre Bonnard and Paul Ranson, the group of painters Nabis (Prophets), a group that drew on the works and poetics of Paul Gauguin in their aesthetic ideals. , for the overcoming of Impressionist naturalism through a return to primitive and Japanese art. Of the Nabis meetings, usually held in the editorial office of the magazine "Revue Blanche" or at the Ranson Academy, Denis particularly appreciated the mystical climate, the esoteric jargon and the nickname that each painter received from the group: Denis was called "the Nabi by the nice pictures". As "Nabi" Maurice Denis painted intimate, enigmatic pictures and the themes of his painting, of a religious nature or situations of everyday life, were brought into an ideal and unreal dimension, in an atmosphere of warm and serene intimacy, obtained with an extremely delicate feature. A constant in his life was the profession of the Catholic faith, which always had a priority role for him. He received numerous commissions for the decoration of churches and this made him return to the great tradition of mural painting by performing solemn frescoes of monumental structure, inspired by a literary Catholicism. The religious fervor led Maurice Denis to found, in 1919, the Ateliers d'Art Sacré, dedicating a lot of time to prayer, so much so that he became the tertiary of San Domenico, without isolating him from the world, for which he participated in the social life of the time. In addition to his vast production as a painter, Denis was a great draftsman and illustrator. Until his death Maurice Denis continued to paint in a modern interpretation of the great ancient painting, supported by his strong artistic vein, continuously fueled by his travels, many of them in Italy, which led him to come into direct contact with the Pre-Raphaelites and the neoclassicals.



Maurice Henry Ink on Paper France 1969
Maurice Henry Ink on Paper France 1969

Les Bouches de Naples gemissent de Terreur ou de Plaisir 1969

Maurice Henry Ink on Paper France 1969

Les Bouches de Naples gemissent de Terreur ou de Plaisir 1969

Ink on paper. Signature, date and title below. Accompanied by authentication on photo from Galleria Giò Marconi in Milan and stamp from private archive. It is the drawing of the young artist who soon became one of the most important exponents of world surrealism, who was a poet and painter, but also a filmmaker, art and film critic, photographer and humorous designer. Born in the north of France, in 1927 he settled in Paris, where he came into contact with a group of young poets and philosophers, with whom he founded the '' Grand Jeu '' movement: play is understood as an art of living. Since 1928 he has collaborated with texts, poems and drawings for the movement's magazine and in the meantime he collaborates as an editor and reporter with various Parisian newspapers.In 1932, having exhausted the experience of the `` Grand Jeu '', he passes to the surrealist movement, collaborating on its publications and participating in its exhibitions. His humor turns towards the unusual and cruelty, more and more derisive of the absurdity of everyday life, of the tragic side of common existence, to which the spirit and the unconscious rebel, trying to access the unobservable. Knows Salvador Dalí. In 1939 he also began his activity as a filmmaker. In 1941 his first personal exhibition took place in Paris: the first buyer was Pablo Picasso. Participate in all surrealist exhibitions, including the 1947 international one in Paris. In 1951, for reasons relating to the internal discipline of the group, he abandoned the surrealist movement with others, while continuing to practice its poetics. In 1955 he also became passionate about photography. Since 1968 he has devoted himself almost exclusively to painting, abandoning the activity of humorous draftsman. In the same year he settled permanently in Milan: in Italy he exhibited in various personal exhibitions, those in Milan at the Galleria Marconi. The work presented here, an early drawing, comes from an important Milanese private collection. It is presented in a frame.



A. Gajoni Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century
A. Gajoni Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century

Landscape with Ancient Style Figures

A. Gajoni Oil on Hardboard Italy XX Century

Landscape with Ancient Style Figures

Oil on hardboard. Signed lower right. Born in Milan in 1913, and trained at the Brera Academy (of which he later became a teacher), Adriano Gajoni became passionate about the study of seventeenth-century Lombard painters and Dutch and Flemish painting of the seventeenth century, from whose meticulous realism he let himself be inspired. Of strict figurative observance, Gajoni preferred landscapes, portraits and above all still lifes, which he expressed in fairy-tale and allegorical compositions. He mainly practiced oil painting on wood and hardboard. Also this painting proposes a landscape of ancient taste: in the countryside, on the path that runs along a wide river, a pastoral figure passes on his donkey, followed by his small herd. The work is presented in a style frame.



Raoul Viviani Landscape with Figures Italy XX Century
Raoul Viviani Landscape with Figures Italy XX Century

The Country Road

Raoul Viviani Landscape with Figures Italy XX Century

The Country Road

Oil on hardboard. Signed lower left. Having moved as a child with his family to Milan in 1898, still very young, Raoul Viviani enrolled at the Brera Academy, where he studied under the guidance of Giuseppe Mentessi (1857-1931). At the same time he attended the nude school of the Artistic Family, with which he exhibited for the first time at the age of 17, immediately enjoying great success with the public and critics, as a landscape painter with a strong personality and modernity and for his highly original style characterized from strong chromatic experiments. In 1912 he participated in the Venice Biennale and subsequently participated in numerous national and international exhibitions. From 1926 he began his career in the field of art criticism, writing for various newspapers, but his opposition to fascism led him to choose voluntary exile: in 1931 he moved to Uruguay, where he founded and directed the Academy of Montevideo Fine Arts. Returning to Milan in 1937, he resumed his activity as a painter and as a critic. In the 1950s he moved to Rapallo for health reasons and remained there until his death. Extremely original landscape painter, who engages in oil painting but also in watercolor and engraving, is very close to pointillist painting, however, developing his own personal technique, characterized by very thin filaments of color in the form of thin commas, which define the structures of the its landscapes. With his transfer to Liguria, the Ligurian landscape becomes the protagonist of his works and also his mute technique, moving away from the original pointillism to open up to a broad and summary brushstroke, which finally leads to a production of still lifes from violent and contrasting colors. In this work in which the technical characteristic of Viviani is well appreciated, along the country path that runs along the canal, a figure of a woman appears, which constitutes an exception in his production, usually lacking in figurative elements. Work in frame.



Alfonso Corradi Oil on Canvas Italy 1916
Alfonso Corradi Oil on Canvas Italy 1916

Hospitalization of the Trident 1916

Alfonso Corradi Oil on Canvas Italy 1916

Hospitalization of the Trident 1916

Oil on cardboard. Signed lower right. On the back there is the name with the title, which locates the small glimpse in Macedonia in 1916, during the First World War. Alfonso Corradi, born in Emilia but trained and then lived in Milan, was a student of ornaments at the Brera Academy and for some years he also devoted himself to scenography. He specialized in landscape and embarked on an exhibition career concentrated above all in Milan. The subject proposed here, although of a landscape nature, is part of a rare production of a series of small pictures, almost sketches, which leads back to the First World War, in particular to the military expedition of an Italian body to Macedonia in 1916, sent by the government to the aim to counter the Austro-Hungarian and Bulgarian forces during the First World War and to control that territory. Moreover, there is no documentation of the painter's direct participation in this war campaign. The painting is framed.


