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17 cm 238 cm

7 cm 630 cm

0 cm 92 cm




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Ancient Painting Attr. to A. Peruzzini Oil on Canvas Italy '700
Ancient Painting Attr. to A. Peruzzini Oil on Canvas Italy '700

Landscape with Figures

Ancient Painting Attr. to A. Peruzzini Oil on Canvas Italy '700

Landscape with Figures

Oil painting on canvas. The large composition proposes a landscape with a large tree in the centre. to surmount with its sparse branches the countryside below, crossed by a stream and animated by various figures of commoners intent on activity or at rest; at the top right stands a fortress, which dominates the valley. Already attributed to Peruzzini from the Marches, the painting can certainly be traced back to his circle, due to the rapid and poorly aggregated pictorial strokes. Antonio Francesco specialized in landscape painting, undergoing the influence of Salvator Rosa and landscape painters such as Pietro Montanini and Pandolfo Reschi, and further influences also came to him from Nordic painters active in Italy, above all from Pieter Mulier known as il Tempesta. In his first works the originality of his painting can already be distinguished given a rapid drafting and an intense and brilliant chromatic timbre. The long artistic bond between Antonio Francesco Peruzzini and Alessandro Magnasco began in the early 1990s, following their meeting in Milan, where Peruzzini had settled; from this period onwards his painting seems to fall apart, through forms that become more dynamic and light, almost fantastic, to finally arrive at a style marked by an ever greater disintegration of the forms of nature and their movement. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a period frame.

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Pair of Allegoric Paintings Oil on Canvas Italy XVIII Century
Pair of Allegoric Paintings Oil on Canvas Italy XVIII Century

Allegories of Prudence and Justice

Pair of Allegoric Paintings Oil on Canvas Italy XVIII Century

Allegories of Prudence and Justice

Oil painting on canvas. Italian school of the seventeenth century. The two paintings are probably part of a group depicting the four cardinal virtues, namely Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude. The allegories are represented in female figures, bearing some of the attributive symbols of the virtues they represent. Justice is recognized by the two most common attributes, the balance, symbol of equity and balance, and the sword, sign of distributive power. Prudence also has two symbols with it: a mirror, a symbol of circumspection that allows us to avoid the pitfalls of evil (it allows us to look behind us) or even a symbol of self-knowledge; and a snake, symbol of eternity and time, but also a symbol of prudence (in the Gospel Jesus says :"I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be prudent as snakes and simple as doves"). The two canvases, previously restored and relined, are in good condition. They are presented in an antique carved and lacquered wooden frame, with current small defects and damages.

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Sea Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas '700 Art Ancient Painting
Sea Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas '700 Art Ancient Painting

Sea Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas '700 Art Ancient Painting

Oil painting on canvas. The coastal glimpse, near a rocky inlet where torrential waters flow, sees figures at the landing place of the ships, ready to welcome the boats that are approaching; in the distance the profile of the city. Restored and relined, the painting has widespread dirt stains especially in correspondence with the sky. It is presented in a stylish frame.



Winter Landscape by G. Cinotti Pastels on Paper XX Century
Winter Landscape by G. Cinotti Pastels on Paper XX Century

Winter landscape

Winter Landscape by G. Cinotti Pastels on Paper XX Century

Winter landscape

Pastels on paper applied to canvas. Signed lower left. The large landscape is completely dominated by the play of colour: divided into two hemifields given by the sky and the earth (a mountainous land where sporadic fir trees sprout), it sees the pinkish blue of the sky prevail above, under the greenish blue of the snow on the ground , two shades of the same color range that then meet in the skyline of the mountains. Cinotti was a landscape painter who was an exponent of Italian Divisionism, whose painting is characterized by a material and pasty application with touches of spatulated color. In coeval frame.



Contemporary Artwork Cioni Carpi 1963/74 Conceptual Art Mixed Techniqu
Contemporary Artwork Cioni Carpi 1963/74 Conceptual Art Mixed Techniqu

We created Atypical Systems 1963/74

Contemporary Artwork Cioni Carpi 1963/74 Conceptual Art Mixed Techniqu

We created Atypical Systems 1963/74

Serigraphs and photos. The work consists of three silk-screened cartoons (in cardboard box) with the text in English (original title "We have created atypical systems") and six photos portraying the artist, individually framed. On the back of the three serigraphs in English, numbered in sequence, there are the edition number 13/15, the date 1974 and the artist's signature; they also accompany three unsigned serigraphs with the text in Italian. Cioni Carpi, Milanese artist, engaged in conceptual and minimalist art, produced works in which imagination, sensitivity, expressive flair were fundamental. His creativity was also expressed in photography, installations, video, drawing, writing, the artist's book, as well as painting. The dimensions indicated are those of the single frame.

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Ancient Painting '800 Portrait of a Young Man Oil on Canvas
Ancient Painting '800 Portrait of a Young Man Oil on Canvas

Ancient Painting '800 Portrait of a Young Man Oil on Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. The portrait of the young man, elegantly dressed, is inscribed in an oval outline. There are slight drops of color and signs of sagging of the canvas. It therefore needs restoration. It is presented in a coeval frame, with various signs of wear, to be restored.



Contemporary Painting G. Balansino 1981 Road to Cervasca Oil
Contemporary Painting G. Balansino 1981 Road to Cervasca Oil

Road to Cervasca 1981

Contemporary Painting G. Balansino 1981 Road to Cervasca Oil

Road to Cervasca 1981

Oil on hardboard. Signed lower right. Further signature, date and title on the back. Giovanni Balansino, Piedmontese by origin but Lombard by adoption, chose to depict his love for both lands with his painting made of broad and nervous brushstrokes, dedicating a large part of his production to them. In the proposed painting, Giovanni Balansino presents a glimpse of a country road near a village that he identifies in Cervasca, a small mountain town in the Cuneo area, animated by two barely sketched figurines that blend into the natural environment, due to the overlapping of the applied colors with rapid brush strokes and undefined contours. The work is presented in a frame.



Ancient Female Bust and Art Nouveau Column Late '800 White Marble
Ancient Female Bust and Art Nouveau Column Late '800 White Marble

Italy late 19th century

Ancient Female Bust and Art Nouveau Column Late '800 White Marble

Italy late 19th century

Female bust and liberty column in white statuary marble, Italy, late 19th century. Bust in old-fashioned dress with floral elements placed on the chest; column decorated with ivy that descends transversely from the supporting surface.

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Ancient Painting '600-'700 Female Bust and Flower Garland Canvas
Ancient Painting '600-'700 Female Bust and Flower Garland Canvas

Ancient Painting '600-'700 Female Bust and Flower Garland Canvas

Oil painting on canvas. Central Italian school of the late 1600s-early 18th century. The composition proposes a female bust in the centre, portrayed as if it were a sculptural effigy, for the monochrome that evokes marble; it is surrounded by a garland of colorful flowers, which stretch from twisted branches above, while a landscape fades in the background. This type of portrait came from a solution born in the Flemish environment and spread in Italy by Daniel Seghers. Restored and relined, the painting has slight drops of colour. It is presented in an antique frame.

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Contemporary Painting by G. Balansino 1985 Landscape Oil on Cardboard
Contemporary Painting by G. Balansino 1985 Landscape Oil on Cardboard

Spring, 1985

Contemporary Painting by G. Balansino 1985 Landscape Oil on Cardboard

Spring, 1985

Oil on cardboard. Signed lower right. Further signature, date, title and handwritten declaration of authenticity on the back. Giovanni Balansino, Piedmontese by origin but Lombard by adoption, chose to depict his love for both lands with his painting made of broad and nervous brushstrokes, dedicating a large part of his production to them. In the proposed painting, the title is from the white flowering of the trees that surround the country house. The work is presented in a frame.



Ancient Painting '700 Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas Style Frame
Ancient Painting '700 Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas Style Frame

Ancient Painting '700 Landscape with Figures Oil on Canvas Style Frame

Oil painting on canvas. Northern Italian school of the eighteenth century. The landscape, set on the banks of a wide river, sees in the center some figures of peasants intent on picking fruit from a tree: a girl holds the ladder while the boy cuts off a bunch, on the left another couple places the fruit collected in a tub. All around a vast green countryside and some farmhouses. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a period frame.



Ancient Painting '800 Lorenzo Gignous Landscapes on Wooden Board
Ancient Painting '800 Lorenzo Gignous Landscapes on Wooden Board

Ancient Painting '800 Lorenzo Gignous Landscapes on Wooden Board

Oil on wooden board. Signed lower right. These are three small paintings proposing landscape glimpses, made in the naturalistic style typical of Lorenzo Gignous: the two lateral ones, measuring 24 x 30 cm, propose the most recurring subject in the Lombard artist's production, i.e. glimpses of Lake Maggiore, animated by fishing boats; in the center a smaller landscape (18 x 25 cm) with a group of trees in the countryside. The three small paintings are presented in a single coeval frame.



Contemporary Painting G. Balansino 1979 City Glimpses Oil on Hardboard
Contemporary Painting G. Balansino 1979 City Glimpses Oil on Hardboard

The Park 1979

Contemporary Painting G. Balansino 1979 City Glimpses Oil on Hardboard

The Park 1979

Oil on hardboard. Signed lower right. Further signature, date and title on the back. Giovanni Balansino, Piedmontese by origin but Lombard by adoption, chose to depict his love for both lands with his painting made of broad and nervous brushstrokes, dedicating a large part of his production to them. In the proposed painting, Il Balansino presents a glimpse of a city park, with a small terraced relief, animated by a couple of barely sketched figurines that blend into the natural environment, due to the overlapping of colors applied with rapid brushstrokes and with indefinite contours. the work is presented in a frame.



Antique Painting '700-'800 Holy Subject Crucifixion Oil on Canvas
Antique Painting '700-'800 Holy Subject Crucifixion Oil on Canvas

Antique Painting '700-'800 Holy Subject Crucifixion Oil on Canvas

Oil on canvas. This is a traditional depiction of the event of Jesus' death on the Cross, with his mother Mary and the beloved disciple at the foot of the Cross, contemplating the dying Christ; in the background the city of Jerusalem. Very essential in its depiction, and static in the positions of the evangelical figures, the scene emphasises the drama with a sombre background, although a light opens up high above Christ to announce divine participation in the event. The painting, which has already been retouched, shows some minor colour fading.


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Antique Painting '900 Genre Scene with Figures Mixed Technique
Antique Painting '900 Genre Scene with Figures Mixed Technique

Antique Painting '900 Genre Scene with Figures Mixed Technique

Mixed media on canvas. The large scene, painted in the unique reddish-pink range, features two large figures on the right, while the entire left side is occupied by a desert landscape, with the waves of the dunes fading into the distance. The two figures depict a seated horseman, wearing a turban and Saracen dress, being fed by a maiden in Western dress, who is handing him a tray laden with food, while on the shelf below is a basin of water, ears of corn and various fruits. This could be one of the many representations of the story of Angelica and Medoro, recounted by Ariosto in Orlando Furioso, which tells of the love between the Christian maiden and the Saracen knave wounded in a clash, who then fled together to Catai, thus triggering Orlando's madness. The work is presented in a frame.



Ancient Painting G. Muzzioli '800 Portrait Drunk Baccus Oil on Canvas
Ancient Painting G. Muzzioli '800 Portrait Drunk Baccus Oil on Canvas

Drunk Baccus

Ancient Painting G. Muzzioli '800 Portrait Drunk Baccus Oil on Canvas

Drunk Baccus

Oil on canvas. Signed lower right. The god is depicted standing on the scene, clad only in a cloth around his loins and by ivy leaves placed on his hips and head, while holding a chalice in one hand; his gaze is vacant and dazed. Behind him, a semi-reclining putto plays with ivy. All around are white clouds, just as the ground is white, with flashes of blue sky and a green bush creating the only contrasts. On the back of the work is the label 'Mario Galli Collezione d'Arte', with cataloguing number 64 and the artist's autograph inscription. The work well represents the painting of this artist, who was born in Modena but trained artistically first in Rome and then in Florence, where he spent most of his life. His rich production initially proposed mainly historical subjects, but then turned to portraits and finally to landscapes. His uniqueness can be recognised in his ability to range from historical subjects, often placed in settings taken from ancient Pompeii, to the Macchiaioli-style naturalism of his second period, in which Muzzioli sought a significant perception of atmosphere and light in subjects inspired by the rural Tuscan environment, often set in antiquity. In this work, a portrait of a mythological character, the artist's luministic intent strongly transpires, the search for the effect of light playing on the naked bodies of the god and the putto, then fading into the background. The Art Gallery label leads back to the Florentine Mario Galli (1877 -1946), a sculptor who was also an important collector of works especially by Macchiaioli. The work shows an important crack and has been retouched. It is presented in a stylish frame.

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Ancient Painting '700 Landscape with Buildings and Figures Oil Paintin
Ancient Painting '700 Landscape with Buildings and Figures Oil Paintin

Ancient Painting '700 Landscape with Buildings and Figures Oil Paintin

Oil on canvas. Northern Italian School of the 18th century. The broad landscape shows in the centre a herdsman who has just passed with his cattle over the small bridge over the stream, which flows through the wooded countryside; in the background, again in the centre, a farmhouse and several country buildings. Restored and retouched, the painting is presented in a stylish frame.



Contemporary Painting by G. Balansino Landscape Oil on Hardboard
Contemporary Painting by G. Balansino Landscape Oil on Hardboard

The Olona

Contemporary Painting by G. Balansino Landscape Oil on Hardboard

The Olona

Oil on hardboard. Signed lower right. Further signature and title on the back. Giovanni Balansino, Piedmontese by origin but Lombard by adoption, chose to depict his love for both lands with his painting made of broad and nervous brushstrokes, dedicating a large part of his production to them. In the proposed painting, Balansino presents a glimpse of the Olona river, a watercourse entirely in Lombardy, as it flows through the villages of the Lombard plain. The work is presented in a frame.



Contemporary Painting by Giovanni Balansino Landscape Oil on Hardboard
Contemporary Painting by Giovanni Balansino Landscape Oil on Hardboard

Contemporary Painting by Giovanni Balansino Landscape Oil on Hardboard

Oil on hardboard. Signed lower right. Further signature, date and title on the back. Giovanni Balansino, Piedmontese by origin but Lombard by adoption, chose to depict his love for both lands with his painting made of broad and nervous brushstrokes, dedicating a large part of his production to them., which this glimpse includes of a town in the Lombard plain. In frame.



Contemporary Drawing F. Melotti 1984 Sketch on Paper Mixed Technique
Contemporary Drawing F. Melotti 1984 Sketch on Paper Mixed Technique

Contemporary Drawing F. Melotti 1984 Sketch on Paper Mixed Technique

Tempera, pencil and charcoal on paper. Signed on the back. The drawing is registered in the Archive Fausto Melotti with code DIS 84020. Fausto Melotti was a multifaceted and very prolific artist and it is almost impossible to link his production to a particular technique or theme, without providing only a partial view of his artistic vision. The salient features that are constant in Melotti are geometry, the study of abstraction, which leads him to use realistic but not scientifically accurate elements, and arranging the elements so that they recall a musical rhythm, a detail that refers to his training as a musician Sculptor, painter, musician, poet, he made numerous design drawings for his works. Drawing represented for him a fundamental exercise, to transfuse the original graphic trait from sheets of paper into sculptures and ceramics. The sculptures for which he is best known are made up of geometric elements made with metals (brass, iron and gold) worked into thin filaments, giving life to ethereal, weightless and almost fragile compositions. The work is presented in a frame.


